Meeting prospective students is a normal part of a professor’s schedule. We encourage you to come visit and meet your potential professors and classmates!
We welcome every opportunity to meet prospective students at the Hugh Hodgson School of Music (HHSOM). During your visit, you can tour our world-class facilities, meet with HHSOM admissions staff to ask questions about the process, meet with saxophone professor Dr. Quarles, attend band rehearsals, and attend a concert if one is scheduled while you are here.
If you are a prospective undergraduate student, our music admissions officer is the person to contact to arrange a virtual visit. Click here for more details about scheduling your visit.They will then contact Dr. Quarles to coordinate your visit with the saxophone studio.
If you are a prospective graduate student, contact Dr. Quarles directly at to discuss the program.
NOTE: Friday visits are encouraged for prospective saxophone students because our weekly studio class takes place from 1:50pm-3:20pm. This is an excellent opportunity to meet other saxophone majors and have questions answered by other students.