frequently asked questions
This list represents some of the most commonly asked questions by prospective saxophone students. Please read thoroughly in addition to visiting the Undergraduate and Graduate Audition pages for the most comprehensive information.
When are auditions for Fall 2025 enrollment?
Undergraduate audition dates are:
January 17, 2025
January 25, 2025
February 1, 2025
Graduate audition dates* are:
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Friday, January 24, 2025
Friday January 31, 2025
*Pre-screening deadline for graduate applicants is December 1, 2025.
What are the audition requirements?
Undergraduate audition requirements are found here.
Graduate audition requirements are found here.
Graduate Teaching Assistantship in Saxophone
The UGA Saxophone Studio currently has one Graduate Teaching Assistant whose role is primarily to serve the saxophone studio. The Graduate Teaching Assistantship in Saxophone is occupied for Fall 2025. However, there are other potential opportunities for support for graduate students ranging from assistantship in other areas of the HHSOM, to scholarships and fellowships outside of the HHSOM (see below). Please see the Graduate Audition page for more information and contact Dr. Quarles to discuss this further.
Are there other Graduate Assistantships available?
Yes, the following sources of funding exist for which you may apply: School of Music assistantships, University assistantships, and out-of-state tuition waivers. It’s important for applicants to check ALL categories of assistantships for which they feel qualified on the School of Music application. For instance, if you excelled in ear training as an undergraduate, mark the box for “aural skills teaching assistantship” in the list of assistantships. This is the only opportunity an applicant has for consideration for assistantships. Don’t miss the chance to be considered for as many assistantships as possible.
What should I be doing six months to a year before I want to audition to become a music major?
Six months to a year prior to your application and audition, these are the things you should have on your radar and to-do list.
Research programs and collect a list of schools at which you want to pursue auditions. Get familiar with the required audition material and important deadlines.
Set up a lesson with the professors you’re interested in and schedule a time to sit in for a studio class while you’re visiting the school. Meeting prospective students is a normal part of a professor’s schedule and you are highly encouraged to take a lesson, see how your personalities mesh, and meet your possible future peers.
Work with a band director, private lesson teacher, or the actual professor for whom you are auditioning. Seek advice early and often so you are set up for the best audition experience possible.
Attend extracurricular opportunities during the school year or over the summer at the school(s) you’re interested in. Summer music programs, intensive band clinics, etc. will give you a feel for the environment of the school beyond a one or two day visit.
Note that admission to the Hugh Hodgson School of Music also requires admission to the University of Georgia with a separate application process. Both must be completed.
I want to be a saxophone major at UGA! What advice do you have for me?
The best advice we can give you so that you give the strongest audition possible is to take weekly private lessons with an experienced saxophone specialist. Learn to play your scales the full range of the saxophone. Concentrate on developing a good sound by listening to saxophone recordings. Study original saxophone repertoire and etude books. Be as active as possible with music during high school. While we wish we could accept every student that auditions on saxophone at UGA, the reality is that we have just a few open spots per year. For more details regarding UGA's admissions guidelines, which are separate from the School of Music's guidelines, click here.
What can I expect as a saxophone major at UGA?
Saxophone majors are passionate about music and are dedicated to the highest level of technical and musical artistry on the saxophone. Our saxophone studio is a supportive environment where everyone’s voice is valued and each individual's unique artistry is cultivated. All saxophone majors practice between 90 minutes to three hours a day, depending on the specific concentration. Chamber music, such as saxophone quartets and saxophone ensemble, is an integral part of our studio’s activities and provides students the opportunity to learn professional skills such as leadership, teamwork, and accountability. Chamber ensembles do not have a conductor, so listening and communication skills improve dramatically for each member. Students enroll in chamber music for as many semesters as their schedules allow. The studio prides itself on creative and inclusive programming, much of which is in the hands of the studio members themselves. Our students present a variety of different kinds of recitals and concerts each semester, and attend regional and national saxophone conferences when possible.
How big is the saxophone studio?
On average, the saxophone studio is between 15-18 music majors, including first-year undergraduates through doctoral students. The number of students graduating in the preceding year determines the number of openings in the studio the following year.
How many openings are there in the studio for Fall 2025?
We are anticipating 3-6 openings for new undergraduate and graduate students for Fall 2025.
Which saxophone should I audition on?
For an undergraduate audition, it's best to audition on the saxophone on which you sound the best. If you have only played baritone saxophone in high school, it's wise to audition on baritone. The same is true if you are primarily a tenor player. Keep in mind, however, that the majority of lessons in college will take place on alto saxophone as this is the saxophone for which most of the classical repertoire has been written. If a student becomes a member of the UGA saxophone studio, they must arrive to UGA with a professional model alto saxophone and accessories (mouthpiece, ligature, reeds).
What kind of saxophone will I need in college if I become a music major?
Every saxophone major is required to own a professional model alto saxophone when they arrive at UGA. Dr. Quarles is available to assist students and parents in the selection process of a new saxophone once a student is accepted and confirms their decision to attend UGA.
Can I be a music minor?
The HHSOM offers a Music Minor and a Music Minor in Jazz. Music Minors in Jazz will need to audition with the Jazz faculty; more information on the Music Minor in Jazz can be found here. Music Minors audition for the UGA Saxophone studio with the same audition requirements as those applying for undergraduate degrees in music. More information on the Music Minor can be found here.
The number of Music Minors we can accept into the studio depends on the number of majors that are auditioning and are accepted any given year. We encourage everyone who is interested to audition.
Are there music scholarships available?
For undergraduate students, there are a limited number of music scholarships available each year to prospective music majors that have been ranked highest amongst the saxophone auditionees. For students living outside of Georgia, there are a few out-of-state tuition waivers for which the highest ranking students can be nominated by the studio professor.